Saturday, March 12, 2011

Early Lunch - Late Breakfast

This is a low-budget easy meal that only take less than 15 minutes to prepare. It has the fiber, a bit of carbohydrate, fat, and protein--something that is student-friendly! Well especially for those who don't live with their family. More details on comments. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sauteed bean sprout and fried "tempe".

    You'll need:
    Bean sprout, washed
    Fresh garlic, chopped or substitute withgarlic powder
    Fish or prawn paste (terasi), or substitute with fish sauce (optional)
    3 chilli peppers (optional)
    Bell pepper (optional)
    One big pack or two small packs of Tempe (fermented soya) or substitute with tofu
    Vegetable oil
    A small bowl
    A fork or spoon
    A frying pan

    1. Cut 2 cloves of garlic into small cuts
    2. Add a sprinkle of salt and half the garlic cuts into a cup of water, mix them in a small bowl
    3. Slice half the tempe or tofu portion into medium slices, soak them in the no. 2 mixture
    4. Dice the other half portion of tempe or tofu
    5. Pour a bit of oil into the frying pan, and heat it for 2 minutes with medium heat
    6. Fry the diced tempe/tofu for 3 minutes, then put them on a plate
    7. Pour a little amount of oil, sautee the garlic, chilli pepper, bell pepper, and fish paste for about 1 minute or until it smells good
    8. Put the bean sprout in, mix until the bean sprouts look thinner and the water soaks out
    9. Put the fried tempe/tofu in, mix, add salt, mix again
    10. You'll know when the sprout is done or of you need more salt. Just give it a taste.
    11. Serve the bean sprout
    12. Put some more amount of oil, this time you are going to semi-deep fry the sliced tempe/tofu until its color turn goldish-brown.
    13. Serve with rice and bon appetite!

    *for 3 servings*
