I am an Indonesian graduated medical doctor. This blog is about my stories, personal thoughts, and daily adventure - in-and-outside medicine. Well, life has always been an adventure, hasn't it? Yes, doctors are human being, and we ain't alien or extra-terrestrial creatures. Although sometimes we act - or behave, like them. :) All the pictures, stories, and names are my copyright otherwise stated.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Today's Lunch Box
My lunchbox for today is stir-fried broad Chinese-style noodle. And as usual, it is as simple as any college student would make. First you need to scramble 2 eggs, and separate it. Sautee the garlic until it smells good, add the noodle and beansprouts, stir. Set the fire to medium level. Add chopped fishballs and scrambled eggs, mix them altogether in the wok. Add oyster sauce, salty soy sauce, sweet soy sauce, salt, pepper, and a bit of sesame oil. Mix them all and in just about 3 minutes your noodle is done! Quite easy, you can add prawns, squid, or chicken and you can substitute the broad noodle with any kind of noodle you have in your pantry. Easy and quick, those two words will always be in a college student's cookbook. :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
"Cadavers; thank them."
Woke up 1 hour late today, as a result I arrived 10 minutes late to the class.
It was neurology. The lecturer turned out to be a silver-haired professor, who -- just like the other neurologist -- is a brilliant person with a "character".
He was a strict person, pointed laser pointer to anyone who talked during the class, especially those who sat on front rows. I guess he is around 70 or so, but still has a good memory about the complicated neurology.
Near before the lecture ended, he gave a short message about how he want us to be. He said that he was a bad student, who usually sat on back rows. He told us to be doctors who have self-confidence but also pay a full respect to the others. We should always call elder patients with "Mr."/Mrs."/"Sir".
He also mentioned that the lecturers, the professors, even the dean are not our teachers. They are just our guide in medical school. The real teachers are our patients who will teach us in the real school: the real life.
"The most honorable teachers are the cadavers. Without them, there would not be any medical students and no medical books would have been written. They are the greatest teachers who still teach us even after they have died. Thank them."
It was neurology. The lecturer turned out to be a silver-haired professor, who -- just like the other neurologist -- is a brilliant person with a "character".
He was a strict person, pointed laser pointer to anyone who talked during the class, especially those who sat on front rows. I guess he is around 70 or so, but still has a good memory about the complicated neurology.
Near before the lecture ended, he gave a short message about how he want us to be. He said that he was a bad student, who usually sat on back rows. He told us to be doctors who have self-confidence but also pay a full respect to the others. We should always call elder patients with "Mr."/Mrs."/"Sir".
He also mentioned that the lecturers, the professors, even the dean are not our teachers. They are just our guide in medical school. The real teachers are our patients who will teach us in the real school: the real life.
"The most honorable teachers are the cadavers. Without them, there would not be any medical students and no medical books would have been written. They are the greatest teachers who still teach us even after they have died. Thank them."
Cheesy Frittata
Just made it 10 seconds ago. Thanks to anyone who invented the brilliant cheese cream.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Fast Food -- a Healthy Choice! :)
So this is the proof that fast food is not always bad. This meal, a super fast one, contains fiber, fat, carbs, and protein. It tastes good too! One different way to enjoy oatmeal: add anything you like in it! I like savoury, so I just put salt, pepper, and crushed chilli pepper into it. Add shreded beef for the protein. Fried shallot and garlic will enrich the flavor.
As for the veggies, I stewed carrots, broccoli, and green bean. Topping is made from peanuts, chilli pepper, garlic, salt and sugar -- crushed altogether.
If you are a busy college student, and you have your own quick and tasty recipe, please do share! :)
As for the veggies, I stewed carrots, broccoli, and green bean. Topping is made from peanuts, chilli pepper, garlic, salt and sugar -- crushed altogether.
If you are a busy college student, and you have your own quick and tasty recipe, please do share! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Banana wheat roll--10 minutes preparation! :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Early Lunch - Late Breakfast
This is a low-budget easy meal that only take less than 15 minutes to prepare. It has the fiber, a bit of carbohydrate, fat, and protein--something that is student-friendly! Well especially for those who don't live with their family. More details on comments. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011
"Roh Terletak di Mana?"
Hari pertama clerkship, kuliah hari ini adalah Farmasi klinik (tentang obat dan resep), Interna (penyakit dalam), Pediatri (Anak), dan Psikiatri (kedokteran jiwa). Some quotes of the day:
"Roh atau soul itu beda dengan jiwa atau mind. Kalau manusia mati, maka jiwanya akan mati karena jiwa itu ada di otak."
Q: "Jadi roh itu ada di mana?"
A guy who sat behind me: "Melayang-layang."
Me: --"
"Selama ini kita menjudge orang-orang psikopat tanpa tahu sebenarnya psikopat itu apa. Padahal dari 10 orang psikotik hanya 1 orang yang benar-benar schizophrenia."
Q:"Apakah kalian masih menstigma penderita psikosa?"
Some students: "Yaa.."
Q: "Kira-kira kenapa?"
A1: "Tidak tahu..."
Q: "Tidak tahu alasan menstigma atau ketidaktahuan akan psikotik itu sendiri?"
A2: "Karena takut..."
"Di sini adakah yang suka melakukan kegiatan yang berulang-ulang? Atau terlalu sering negative thinking dan emosian? Itu bisa salah satu gejala psikopatologis. Hati-hati karena kumpulan gejala-gejala tersebut bisa menjadi gangguan psikologis."
"Virus juga punya hak untuk hidup. Jangan saling membunuh antar makhluk hidup. Jadi kalau dibilang infeksi adalah upaya tubuh membunuh mikroba itu kurang tepat, seharusnya adalah upaya tubuh mempertahankan diri."
"Nyamuk itu juga punya hak rekreasi loh."
"Pemeriksaan fisik itu nggak penting punya stetoskop yang ada mickey mouse-nya. Yang penting adalah pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan otak, bukan hanya menggerayangi pasien saja."
"Mau jadi dokter atau pengusaha?"
"Roh atau soul itu beda dengan jiwa atau mind. Kalau manusia mati, maka jiwanya akan mati karena jiwa itu ada di otak."
Q: "Jadi roh itu ada di mana?"
A guy who sat behind me: "Melayang-layang."
Me: --"
"Selama ini kita menjudge orang-orang psikopat tanpa tahu sebenarnya psikopat itu apa. Padahal dari 10 orang psikotik hanya 1 orang yang benar-benar schizophrenia."
Q:"Apakah kalian masih menstigma penderita psikosa?"
Some students: "Yaa.."
Q: "Kira-kira kenapa?"
A1: "Tidak tahu..."
Q: "Tidak tahu alasan menstigma atau ketidaktahuan akan psikotik itu sendiri?"
A2: "Karena takut..."
"Di sini adakah yang suka melakukan kegiatan yang berulang-ulang? Atau terlalu sering negative thinking dan emosian? Itu bisa salah satu gejala psikopatologis. Hati-hati karena kumpulan gejala-gejala tersebut bisa menjadi gangguan psikologis."
"Virus juga punya hak untuk hidup. Jangan saling membunuh antar makhluk hidup. Jadi kalau dibilang infeksi adalah upaya tubuh membunuh mikroba itu kurang tepat, seharusnya adalah upaya tubuh mempertahankan diri."
"Nyamuk itu juga punya hak rekreasi loh."
"Pemeriksaan fisik itu nggak penting punya stetoskop yang ada mickey mouse-nya. Yang penting adalah pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan otak, bukan hanya menggerayangi pasien saja."
"Mau jadi dokter atau pengusaha?"
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