Friday, July 20, 2012

Fiets in The Netherlands

the bike racks

Bicycles are not uncommon in every region of the world. But there is something special about bicycles in The Netherlands. They are not a one-moment trend. Neither a stylish accessories about what's in and what's not. Bike is a need. It is cheap, healthy, and fast. People ride bikes anytime, to any destination. Even you can find some men in neat suit going to workplace daily on bike. Students, the older ones, professors, professionals, anyone. People can choose an expensive multi-geared bike with fancy model or they can basically opt for an old--but fast one.

It is common for little children to start with 3-wheels bike, then usually children in school age will learn to ride bikes with foot-brake, the ones without hand-brake and you need to turn the pedal backwards to brake. I have tried them once, and it was not easy, as I did not usually ride bike in Indonesia, where I came from. There are also special bikes designed for people with disability. Usually they are three-wheeled, with different models and size depends on their disabled limbs. Some children with special needs also use custom made bikes to stimulate their movement, strength, and coordination. Another extra benefits of bikes.